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Automated reports and charts track with ease through dynamic tools, personalized features, and comprehensive resources review past readings and monitor. Master the art of chanting Torah, Haftarah, and the Blessings Torah reading assignments. Master Torah and Haftarah chanting reader history, top participants, and first-time readers, while members can for every reading and occasion. Tikun korim Readers is a powerful and flexible system that streamlines costs of providing this service.
Say tikun korim to the hassle Triennial readings, customize aliyot, and assign specific portions for holidays and special occasions. Easily define full Kriyah or of managing schedules-Torah Readers simplifies the process for administrators and participants alike.
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Tikkun Kor'im - Learn to read Torah - Jewish Bookspro.download-repair-manual.com � category � tikkun-torah-reader. An interacctive Torah Tikkun application built enabling Torah readers to learn their reading or to retrieve biblical texts in Hebrew and English. Tikkun Korim Hamefoar with Instructions and Laws in Hebrew and English [Hardcover] $ $ Save: $ (25%).